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Friday, April 12, 2013



In this life, we must take a stand, both in time trouble and luck. When we get into trouble, do not need to be anxious and desperate, may be a disaster because it will only bring benefits to the advancement of our souls. Conversely, if we get a windfall, do not be too proud and do not be too excited to forget the land, because of the possibility of luck is only temporary and will soon turn into misery.Here there is a story to illustrate our attitude in the face of life. Here's the story:

In a village, there is a family consisting of father, mother, 1 boy and 1 girl. Call it the father with Eddie. Eddie is a mysticism that has high enough, patient disposition, generous, and compassionate so that his neighbors sympathetic to him.
In someday, Eddie bought a good horse at a cheap price, many neighbors came to see the horses. Everything praising the horse and congratulate me on that fortune. But Eddie humbly says not be too excited because fortune and disasters come and go.
Three days later, the horse was off his leash and ran into the woods, despite being in the chase, but the horse disappeared into the woods. The neighbors came to express regret for the loss of the horse. But Eddie says no need to regret because people can profit and loss.
Four days later, Eddie's horse returned with two wild horses, saw the horse returned, they were immediately arrested and input into the cage. Back home in the meet Eddie, neighbors to congratulate fortune comes. But Eddie replied: "do not be too excited, profits and losses flow received with the same feeling".
Five days later, her son fell from a horse and broke his leg. The neighbors came expressed grief over the accident. But Eddie stay patient and believe that such natural disasters.
Three days later, the villagers uproar since news that the village in an atmosphere of war. The government issued an emergency laws for all the young lads in the village had to go to war. Villagers son accompany her son with tears. Eddie can draw a sigh of relief, because his son had broken his leg just released to the battlefield. By listening to the story above, we can draw the conclusion, that if we got trouble, do not be too anxious or discouraged, we should be able to withstand the distress. Conversely, if we get lucky, do not get too excited and arrogant. The feeling we should be teaching CENTRAL like Confucianism.

1 comment:

  1. mampir ke blog saya gan
    agar blog kita terus berkembang
